Newsletter Week 6, Term 3

Tahuna School
School Newsletter
Learning for Life.

Newsletter Week 6, Term 3
Principal Comment

Tena koutou katoa,

I can’t believe we are already at the end of week 6 and it has been a great week of warm weather to mark the start of spring. I would like to welcome Sabian and Eli who have both started in our new entrant class recently.

I would like to thank Tara who has been a fantastic part-time learning assistant. Tara has taken on a new role that involves working with children who have high special needs and this new role will complement her studies. I wish her all the best with her new position.

Board Elections
Thank you to all those who have returned your voting paper. If you have not already brought in your board election voting paper to put in the ballot box, please note it must be returned by 4pm on the 7th September. Last day for mail delivery votes to be accepted is Monday 12th September. Votes will be counted on Tuesday 13th September. Announcement will be made Wednesday 13th September. 

House Sports Day & Daffodil Day
Our house event was a super success! Lots of positive house spirit and it was amazing seeing our children give the sports a good go! Leaders did very well with supporting and role modelling for their house. Thanks teachers for your energy you brought to your event. Also great to see a few parents support our children and the event.

Reminder – Exciting Event
We have an exciting Roald Dahl dress up day on Tuesday the 13th of September. On the same day we will have a grandparents/family day and the Book Fair (view and buy books) The event will start at 10.45am. Our children will entertain our guests (grandparents/family) with a few items and then show their guests to their classroom. Following this there will be an opportunity to visit the library for the bookfair. There will be a flier coming out next week.

Livestock Day
Thanks we have all our livestock day trophies returned. A reminder the entries close on Thursday the 8th September.

Miniball Report
Both teams played very well on Wednesday afternoon. Tahuna Avengers won 48 – 4 and Tahuna Marvels (Year 5-6) won 44 – 2. 

Donate a calf Fundraiser

This is a great fundraiser for our school.
If anyone is interested in donating a 100kg calf to Tahuna School, It’s nice and simple! All you have to do is get a Tahuna tag from the school office, put it in the calf’s ear and when you send some calves off to the yards, send it along with them. Tell them what it’s for and that’s it! 😀 If you are interested, Please get in contact with Stacey Williams on 0211067256 Thank you!

Gumdrop Fundraising
The gumdrops fundraiser was a huge success and $700 was raised for our school.

Playground – Bark
We would like to thank Greg Mills for bringing down and donating bark for our playground. Also thanks to Cole & Laura Hellemond for spreading it out. It looks great and ready to use.

Ngaa mihi
Phillip and Staff

Updated times for the chicken placements next week.
Tuesday the two little sheds are due in at 9am.
On Friday the shed is due in at 9.15am.

We need more helpers please, we’ve only had a few families respond. If you’re new to the school and want more information then please let me know. We can show you what to do and children are welcome to come along as well.

Days and times again as follows:
Tuesday 6th September: 1x big shed at 8.30am and 2x little sheds at 9am.
Thursday 8th September: 1x big shed at 8.15am and 1x big shed at 9.45am.
Friday 9th September: 1x big shed at 9.15am.

Please text me back with your name and what times/days you can help.
Thank you so much! 
Laura van Hellemond.

Yummy Apple Stickers

Just a reminder that it is nearly time to send in Tahuna School’s Yummy stickers.  The promotion finishes at the end of this term – 29th September. The more we collect, the more sport’s gear we may get so let’s keep going! 


Last Thursday Maungaturoto had our Commonwealth country displays. A lot of effort had gone into these displays including information about a country’s Traditional food, dress, flag, anthems, schooling, transportation, money, music and sport. Thank you to all Maungaturoto parents for your continued support. The different traditional dishes were amazing to taste!


In Endurance this term we have been learning about the water cycle. The water cycle is important because it gives fresh water to the planet which we drink everyday. Evaporation, condensation and precipitation are three new science words that we have learnt when discussing the water cycle. 

To celebrate what we learnt we did a whole class piece of writing as well as doing some water cycle art.

Discovery – This week Discovery’s class descriptive writing has been about our fun house sports.

This week Endeavour has been writing about their special person.

Sass – My special person is my mum because she bakes me cakes.
Eloise – My special person is my brother because he hugs me.
Lottie – My special person is my mum because she gives me toys.

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